This is from an email sent to me and my family, from my father, on January of 2011. Practical, fearless, and always hopeful.
“My Resolution for 2011
In 2011 we might face new challenges. Although every one of us has friends and relationships but we have only each other to rely on for support. To be supportive to each other, lets minimize conflicts and emphasize on sympathy and respect.
In 2011 time is becoming more sensitive and therefore we need wiser planning for our immediate future. Please lets organize and share our thoughts. We need closer communication and open discussions. We are of two complementry generations and if become consious we can get to the, heart of the truth and accept the reality to understand better solutions to our problems.
In 2011 we may face more restrictions but we can change these restrictions to our benefit. Train ourself to become a brave and smart observer. A real conscious human of the age. Lets for the first time be a manager of our minds and have control over the inner personal world and outer universe. Our mind is the door between the two worlds. Most fears come from unconscious emotions. Consciousness takes fears away and create love and sympathy. Unconscious emotions create loneliness , emptiness and fear.
In 2011 lets hope to the best.
Be Cool,